Facilities and features
2 toilets, 1 with disabled access shared with St Luke's Neighbourhood Centre. Please note these facilities are NOT within the church building, but are easy to access.
In disabled access toilet.
Very limited, no private parking available
See above, not sited within church building but can be accessed via flat pathway around the side of the church.
Located on Pallion Road in shopping area.
We have had a loop system for many years.
Most service sheets are available in large print.
Dogs are welcome in church.
Our Building
We have community prayers every Tuesday for individual prayer. When the church is open prayer time is available.
We have stained glass windows.
Grade 2*.
Music and Worship
As a church we are open to holding concerts on request.
We are pleased that we are now able to have a regular organist. He is available for weddings and funerals for a fee.
Our services follow the Book of Common Prayer liturgy in a printed service sheet which are updated on a regular basis.
Groups, Courses and Activities
We hold courses with St Luke's Neighbourhood Centre.
We hold monthly coffee mornings, dates are available on our facebook page. St Luke's Church Pallion.
Help for Visitors
St Luke's is open every Sunday from 09.30 to 11 am.
Every Tuesday 10.30am to lunchtime 12pm.
Every Wednesday 09.30 to 11am.
Other Features
We are a fair trade church using fair trade tea and coffee and other fair trade goods
We collect food for the Salvation Army Foodbank and work with St Luke's Neighbourhood Centre to assist those in immediate need.
At present we have a church sound system that plays CD's but we are looking into updating the system for the needs of today.
We are situated in Pallion area which is being prioritized for help to the local communities well-being, health care or young and old.
St Luke's Neighbourhood Centre manage the hire of the halls attached to the church. Please contact them via their face book page.