Fitsteps Exercise Classes
- Occurring
- Every Monday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- St. Andrew's Church
- Address Talbot Road Roker Sunderland SR6 9PT, SR6 9PT, United Kingdom
Fitsteps exercise classes (based around basic moves of Latin and Ballroom dancing) are held every Monday from 10.45 am - 11.45 am in the Priestman Hall at St. Andrew's Church. The class is suitable for all ages and abilities and no partner is required. No booking is necessary - just turn up and the cost is £3.50 per session. You will receive a loyalty card and the 11th class is free. Contact Ashleigh (07557345133) for more information or visit the facebook page at fitfreakz Dance & Fitness.
Term time only
Fitsteps Exercise Classes
Every Monday at 10:45 a.m. for 1 hour
Fitsteps Exercise Classes
Every Monday at 10:45 a.m. for 1 hour