BOOKING A WEDDINGEnquiries for a wedding in the parish are to be made by either telephoning or emailing the Parish Office. Our Administrator will then make an appointment for you to come into the office to check your eligibility, discuss your requirements and to confirm the availability of dates. Please also be aware that we cannot begin making a booking until you first produce a valid Passport, Birth Certificate or National Identity Card that proves that you have UK, EU or Swiss citizenship. Please bring one of these documents with you to your appointment.A Driving Licence is not acceptable proof of citizenship.Other eligibility criteria may also apply to Foreign Nationals.Parish Office HoursMonday to Friday 9.00 am - 12.00 pmParish Office Telephone: 0191 516 0135Parish Office Email:
If you are planning to have your child Christened or are thinking of being Baptised yourself then please contact our Parish Admin Office and Mrs Val Hughes, our Parish Administrator will be able to provide you with details of how to proceed. The office is open Monday - Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and can be contacted either by phone on 0191 5160135 or by email at Monkwearmouth.Parish@durham.anglican.orgVisit our website to find out more at