About Us

We are a friendly church located at the junction of Mowbray Road, Bramwell Road and Suffolk Street, just five minutes away from the bustling city centre of Sunderland. Our worship is in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.

Each Sunday, Mass is celebrated at 8.00am, and a Solemn Mass, with Sunday School, is celebrated at 10.30am. 

Mass is usually celebrated each weekday, at the following times:

Mondays 11.15am

Tuesdays 9.30am

Wednesdays 10.00am 

Thursdays 9.30am

Fridays 11.00am

Saturdays 8.00am

Each weekday Mass (except on Saturdays) is usually preceded, 15 minutes beforehand, by the appropriate Office.

Evening Prayer and Benediction is celebrated on the first Saturday of each month, at 5.30pm.

Wedding, Baptism and other Enquiries may usually be made in church on Tuesdays between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.

Please check the Services & Events page for any current alterations to this pattern and further information.

The 'Pages and Links' menu to the right hand side also contains additional information that you may find of interest.

♦   We are a Forward in Faith parish.

♦   We are affiliated to the Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda.

We are pleased that your interest has brought you to our web pages and hope that we may look forward to making you welcome at Saint Ignatius the Martyr.