Sunday 13th April - Palm Sunday of the Passion of the LordBlessing of Palms, Procession & Mass 9.30amThe Bishop of Beverley's Chrism Mass (St. Aidan's, Grangetown) 6.00pmMonday 14th April - Monday of Holy WeekMass & Address 6.00pmBCP Compline (Night Prayer) 8.00pmTuesday 15th April - Tuesday of Holy WeekMass & Address 2.30pmBCP Compline (Night Prayer) 8.00pmWednesday 16th April - Wednesday of Holy WeekMass & Address 6.00pmBCP Compline (Night Prayer) 8.00pmTHE SACRED PASCHAL TRIDUUMThursday 17th April - Maundy ThursdayMass of the Lord's Supper & Watch 5.30pmFriday 18th April - Good FridayOffice of Readings & Morning Prayer 10.00amSolemn Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross 12noonMaria Desolata 6.00pmSaturday 19th April - Holy SaturdayThe Easter Vigil 5.30pmSunday 20th April - Easter SundayFAMILY MASS OF EASTER DAY 9.30amVespers & Benediction 5.00pm
Christmas Eve - Tuesday 24th DecemberChristmas Nativity Story 4pm (suitable for all ages) - 35mins long - Come along dressed as your favourite Nativity Character! Vigil Mass of Christmas 6.00pm - 1hr (ish)Midnight Mass by Candlelight with blessing of the Crib (and singing of carols) 11.00pm (1hr10mins)Christmas Day - Wednesday 25th DecemberMass of Christmas Day - 9.30am - 1hr (ish) and singing of Christmas Carols.
The cost to do this is not cheap! There are four books to purchase at a total cost of £400 and a Gospel book to purchase at a cost of £275. Can you help us? To keep the cost to the parish as low as possible, we are giving people the opportunity (either individually or as a family) to purchase a quarter share in one of the books (possibly in memory of a loved one) for £25.00 each. The donors name and 'in memory' name will be added to a bookplate at the front of the book. It is also possible to sponsor one of the books at a cost of £100. The Book of the Gospels will have space for five sponsors at a cost of £55.00 each.Update: The Book of the Gospels & two of the Lectionary books have now been purchased. If you would like to add your name to the remaining last two books, please contact Fr Richard urgently!For further information or to sponsor one of the books, please contact Fr Richard on 07867 494688 or