Lent begins March 5th this year and we have two services for Ash Wednesday - 10 am at St. Simon;s and 7 pm here at St. Peter's.
On Monday evenings in Lent we are hosting The Prayer Course at 7 pm (you can reserve a place via eventbrite here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-prayer-course-at-st-peters-jarrow-tickets-1236457911899).
On Tuesday in Lent we are introducing SoulSpace - a quiet space for reflection following our Place of Welcome.
You will also find more information on our Website here:
And finally, St. Paul's church is open daily through Lent for personal prayer or to light a candle - or perhaps you just need a quiet corner. Church and Shop are open from 11 until 3 Monday to Saturday, and Sundays 2 until 3.30 (Winter Opening Hours).
Everyone is Welcome