Lent begins on 5th March this year and we have two Ash Wednesday services at St. Simon;s (10 am) and St. Peter's (7 pm). You will the find options for regular services and new quiet spaces, with Stations of the Cross every Sunday at St. John's at 4 pm and on Thursdays at 1 pm we have our new Soulspace. You can find more information on our website: https://www.parishofjarrowandsimonside.info/lent/Please note that St. Paul's church is open every day with space for personal prayer, candle lighting or simply to find a quiet spot. Church and Shop are open from 11 until 3 Monday to Saturday and Sundays 2-3.30 pm (Winter opening hours).
Holy Week is a significant moment in the Christian Calendar. It is a time when we journey through the final events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus through to Easter Sunday. Whether you are a regular church goer or someone exploring the Christian Faith, we have great spaces, quiet services, a devotional concert, Stations of the Cross, an Easter Vigil and Celebrations on Easter Day.Please download our programme for Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.For more information please contact our parish office by email via jarrowandsimonside@gmail.comKind regards,Revd LesleyRector of Jarrow and Simonside
Are you knitting Christmas angels for us? If so, we hope to gather in angels by the end of November.We hope to gather all the angels in by the end of November.They can be donated at any of our #services across the parish or #KnitGroup at St. Peter’s (Tuesdays 2-4) or #CoffeeStop at St. John the Baptist's (Thursdays 9.30-11).If you would like to knit angels you will find a knitting pattern below alongside suggestions of #prayersforknitters who like to pray as they go.Thank you to all who have already returned Angels to us. They look amazing and will bring a smile to many faces at Christmas!#If you are reading this and would like to knit us a fe angels - there is a knitting pattern and prayers attached to this page, for people who like to pray as they go!Once again a huge thank you to everyone supporting this project.Revd Lesley (on behalf of the Knit Group)If you prefer to post your angels please send them to:St. Peter’s Church CentreYork AvenueJarrowNE32 5LP
This half term we are thinking puppets, painting and a range of new games together with space to make new friends. Families are always welcome at Places of Welcome. Open from 11 until 1 we are at:St. Peter's Church Centre, York Avenue Jarrow Tuesday 30th May andSt. john the Baptist's Community Hall, Nairn Street Thursday 1st June.PLUS bring your children to St. Paul's Church and pick up free colouring pages and crayons. St. Paul's Church is open Monday to Saturday 10.30 to 3.30 and Sundays 2-4.