Good Friday
- Occurring
- for 3 hours
- Venue
- St Nicholas, West Boldon
- Address St Nicholas, West Boldon, Rectory Bank Boldon, NE36 0RF, United Kingdom
On this pivotal day for Christians St Nicholas West Boldon is open from 12.00pm for quiet prayer. At 1.00pm there will be a service of Stations of the Cross, as we move around the church, following Jesus' journey from the Garden of Gethsemane to Golgotha and the cross. Following that at 2pm is the Liturgy of Good Friday, a very powerful service as we remember the sacrifice of the Son of God, made in love, for all human beings.
Please feel welcome to join us for any or all of these times during the afternoon.
Good Friday
29 Mar 2024, noon for 3 hours
Good Friday
29 Mar 2024, noon for 3 hours