Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

More parking is available in a public car park situated opposite Crawcrook Medical Centre. Turn off the main road, up the side road located to the right of the Fox and Hounds pub (KepierChare) and right into Pattison Drive.

Wheelchair accessible.

Limited car parking directly in front of the church. Otherwise, use the car park opposite the Medical Centre, in Pattison Drive.

We place a temporary ramp outside, ready for those coming to services, to gain access. This is used on a regular basis by at least one member of church, who arrives on a mobility scooter.

We have the loop system, so please tell the church warden if you need any help.

Assistance Dogs

Our Building

It's a modern building from the 1960s.

Music and Worship

Our music is lively, joyful and focussed on God.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Nurture Courses

Bible Study takes place in Home Groups, spread throughout the local area.


Tuesdays, term term only. All welcome.

Use your Loaf, bread making once a month. Come along, knead your bread, enjoy a quiet time in reflection, have a bite to eat together at lunch time and then, on your way home, give some of your bread away to a stranger, perhaps the person standing at the bus stop, opposite the church, or an elderly neighbour who is house bound - you choose.

Help for Visitors

During Term Time, Coffee Stop is open in the church hall on Tuesday mornings, from 10am. It's an ideal place for a cuppa and a chat, and prayer too if you'd like that.

Other Features

We but coffee and tea from Kingdom Faith, ensuring a fair price for the producer.

We welcome food being brought to the church for the local Food Bank and collect it each week..

A loop system operates.
We use screens to display worship songs.
Sermons are recorded and can be accessed via the Podcast page at http://www.greensideparish.org

We are a loving, tithing church, aiming to make everyone welcome and belonging.