Facilities and features


Toilets are available in the church hall.

Car Park / Parking Available

We have a permanent ramp to the north door of the church (access via the lychgate) and there is a portable ramp for the south door.

Hearing (induction) Loop

Large print hymn books are available upon request.

Our Building

We have many stained glass windows. There are some with coloured glass showing people from the Bible or stories. Our logo is taken from the windows down the side of the church.

St Mary's Church is a Grade II listed building.

We achieved our Bronze Eco Church award in December 2022 and have started working towards our Silver award.

Music and Worship

We have a set of 6 bells, which can be booked for weddings or be rung during bell ringing tours.

Concerts / Live Music

Groups, Courses and Activities

Mothers Union

Help for Visitors

Church is open from 10.30 before the service each Sunday,

Other Features

We are working to become a Fairtrade Church. We use Fairtrade, tea, coffee and sugar during refreshments.

We have a collection trolley at the back of church for donations, which are regularly taken to Gateshead Foodbank by church volunteers.

The words for the 10am Sunday service are projected onto a screen.

Hall for Hire