Morning Prayer

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St Ninian's, Harlow Green
Ivy Lane Low Fell GATESHEAD, NE9 6QD, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App (available for iOS and Android, check out the link below). We pray for the world, our parishes and other things that need our prayers.
All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not.

Evening Prayer on Zoom

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App (available for iOS and Android). We pray for the world, our parishes and other things that need our prayers.
All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not.

Book Of Common Prayer Holy Communion Service

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St John's, Gateshead Fell
Church Road Gateshead Fell Gateshead, NE9 5RD, United Kingdom

Join us every week for a BCP service

Holy Communion Family Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St John's, Gateshead Fell
Church Road Gateshead Fell Gateshead, NE9 5RD, United Kingdom

Join us for a regular service of Communion.

Morning Prayer

Every Monday at for 30 mins
St John's, Gateshead Fell
Church Road Gateshead Fell Gateshead, NE9 5RD, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App and pray for the world, our parishes and other hings that need our prayers. All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not. It is a great way to start the week
Just search for the Daily Prayer App in the iphone App Store or in the Play Store on Android.
The way in to this service is through the small door on the left of the church as you are looking from the street.

Arts and Crafts

Every Monday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Alban's Windy Nook
Windy Nook Road Gateshead Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE10 9SL, United Kingdom

We are a happy friendly bunch of ladies, who meet every Monday afternoon at St Alban's between 1pm -3-30pm. We knit, sew,
embroider and cut out for toddler crafts. Best of all we put the world to right. Some of our ladies just come for the social side,
cup of tea,coffee,biscuits and sometimes cake. We share our ideas, helpful if anyone has problems with their craft, and words of comfort when needed.
Our stall at the Christmas Fayre had lots of articles made by our ladies all donated, with money going to church. If you are sitting at home bored or lonely, come along, we would love to see you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t do craft,come for the company and a good natter. All this for a £1 donation much cheaper than Costa Coffee!

Evening Prayer

Every Monday at for 30 mins
St Alban's Windy Nook
Windy Nook Road Gateshead Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE10 9SL, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App (available for iOS and Android, check out the link below). We pray for the world, our parishes and other things that need our prayers.
All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not.

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Alban's Windy Nook
Windy Nook Road Gateshead Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE10 9SL, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App (available for iOS and Android, check out the link below). We pray for the world, our parishes and other things that need our prayers.
All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not.

Place of Welcome - Coffee, Soup, friends and much more

Every Tuesday at for 3 hours
St John's, Gateshead Fell
Church Road Gateshead Fell Gateshead, NE9 5RD, United Kingdom

For the last 2 and a half years we have "opened our doors" on Tuesdays between 10am and 1pm and offer a "warm space", friendship and companionship. A very warm welcome is accompanied by homemade cake, hot beverages and homemade soup.
Many friendships and new interests are developing. Please come along and join us.
We have a craft session once a month - look out for the dates.

Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St John's, Gateshead Fell
Church Road Gateshead Fell Gateshead, NE9 5RD, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App (available for iOS and Android, check out the link below). We pray for the world, our parishes and other things that need our prayers. All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not.

Encounter God

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Ninian's, Harlow Green
9 Ivy Lane Low Fell Gateshead, NE9 6QD, United Kingdom

You are invited to this monthly service where we look to God for Hope, Joy and Peace. This is a space to worship, to pray and to encounter God and all are welcome. This month, as we reach the third anniversary of the war in Ukraine, we have Sophia speaking, a young girl from Ukraine who has recently spent time on the front line with her family, soldiers who used to be
accountants and cooks.
She will share where they are seeing God at work as well as asking us to pray specifically for areas and individuals - it promises to be an amazing service - do come along.

Youth Group

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Alban's Windy Nook
Windy Nook Road Gateshead Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE10 9SL, United Kingdom

The youth group is held the second Sunday of every month and is for young people in year 6 and above from 5pm to 6.15pm. The meetings are usually held at St Albans church, but we do venture to attend events organised by “The Pulse” where we get the chance to meet up with other young people who attend other churches throughout the Durham Diocese.
What do we do? Well that varies from meeting to meeting usually it involves games, discussions,crafts and snacks (allergies are taken into account).
Comments from the young people “It’s great”. “They are funny” ……….not sure about that statement, but it is obviously a positive. “The activities are fun and thrilling for everyone”
Why not come along and find out? See details about our future meetings. Or if you want any more information contact me, Hazel via WhatsApp on 07467125803.