Sunday 10am Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
Holy Trinity, Washington
The Avenue, Washington Village, NE38 7LE Washington, NE38 7LE, United Kingdom

This is a Holy Communion service (Common Worship) with hymns and songs (when singing permitted), sermon and prayers. We currently offer colouring and puzzle packs for children. The service is followed by refreshments (when permitted).

Holy Trinity, Washington

Get in touch

The Reverend Teresa Walton

The Parish Office
Holy Trinity Church
The Avenue

NE38 7LE
Eunice Pestell - Secretary
(0191) 418 7911

Our website

What's on

Sunday 10am Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
Holy Trinity, Washington
The Avenue, Washington Village, NE38 7LE Washington, NE38 7LE, United Kingdom

This is a Holy Communion service (Common Worship) with hymns and songs (when singing permitted), sermon and prayers. We currently offer colouring and puzzle packs for children. The service is followed by refreshments (when permitted).