9AM Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Preston-on-Tees
22 Dunottar Avenue Eaglescliffe Stockton on Tees, TS16 0AB, United Kingdom

This is our more traditional service with songs and hymns played on a keyboard and our services follow Common Worship liturgy. We love the rhythm of familiar language, punctuated by space to welcome the presence of God. After the service we gather for tea and coffee.

There are more details about our services on our website http://allsaints-church.net/

10:30 Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints' Preston-on-Tees
22 Dunottar Avenue Eaglescliffe Stockton on Tees, TS16 0AB, United Kingdom

This is our high energy informal family friendly service. Our music is band-led with a modern vibe and like at the 9am, as part of the service, someone will share an accessible message from the Bible applied to our lives.

If you are coming with children, please note they will have a great time too. We have groups for children of all ages and young people during the service.

If you want to check out a service before coming along, the 10.30 services are live-streamed, and you can also watch previous services on our YouTube channel.

There are more details about our services on our website http://allsaints-church.net/


Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
All Saints' Preston-on-Tees
22 Dunottar Avenue Eaglescliffe Stockton on Tees, TS16 0AB, United Kingdom

Our popular Toddlers group has a wide variety of toys and fun activities which cater for babies to 4 year olds.
Toddlers also provides an opportunity for parents and carers to have a good chat and make new friends.

Filter coffee, tea and biscuits are available.

There are more details about our children's groups on our website https://allsaints-church.net/

Term time only

Refresh Youth Event

Sunday 21 April 2024, Sunday 06 April 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints' Preston-on-Tees
22 Dunottar Avenue Eaglescliffe Stockton on Tees, TS16 0AB, United Kingdom

Refresh is a worship event for young people from across Teesside!

The heart of Refresh is to see Teesside young people connect with each other and encounter God. We want to send them out of Refresh ready to live boldly for Him!

It's made especially for people who are between 11-21 and gives you a chance to come and hang out, eat and drink some amazing free food and drink and, more importantly, meet with God in an exciting, non-threatening, non-scary way, along with other people your age.

We'd love you to be there, and please feel free to invite your friends.

For more details and event dates, please our website https://allsaints-church.net/ or the Refresh Instagram page https://instagram.com/refreshyouthservice

The next dates are on our website https://allsaints-church.net/mid-week/coming-up/ or the Refresh Instagram page https://instagram.com/refreshyouthservice

Connect Lunch Club

Monthly. Every Second Tuesday at for 2 hours
All Saints' Preston-on-Tees
22 Dunottar Avenue Eaglescliffe Stockton on Tees, TS16 0AB, United Kingdom

Our Tuesday Connect Lunch Club starts with an optional short service at 11.45am in the church, followed by a delicious two-course lunch.

After lunch there is usually some form of entertainment, such as a quiz, crafts, a talk, or music to enjoy.

Lifts can be provided if needed.

You can find our more information on our website: https://allsaints-church.net/

There is no Connect lunch club in April or August