Facilities and features


We have a unisex/accessible toilet with baby changing facilities.

Within the toilet

Car parking is along Imperial Avenue and adjacent streets.

Accessible Toilet
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

We have large print service booklets and hymn books

Dogs are welcome!

Our Building

Warm Space

You can read about our church in the history section.

Music and Worship


Groups, Courses and Activities

Tom Marr fitness group runs in church on Monday and Wednesday evenings 6-7 pm. This is run by an external organisation for which there is a charge. For more details contact the parish administrator.

Mothers Union

Help for Visitors

We have free WiFi in church - but you will need to ask a churchwarden for the password.

We are open during normal service times on Sundays. If you would like to see the church at other times please contact the parish administrator.

Other Features

The Foodbank is open on Monday afternoons 12.00 - 2.30pm

The main church building is available for hire. The chairs can be rearranged to suit your needs, we also have tables and a small kitchen for light refreshments. If you would like to make a booking please contact the parish administrator.