Form_1_Application_for_enrolment_church_electoral_roll_complete with parish name.pdf

Every few years we are required by law to prepare a new Parish Electoral Roll from scratch. This year - 2025 - is one of those years, so you will need to re-apply if you want to vote or stand at the elections at the Annual Meeting on 29th April!

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
240616 - financial challenge appeal.pdf
240616 - response flyer.pdf
240616 - pledge form.pdf

On Sundays 16th and 23rd June, our Change Rector, David Brooke, gave a presentation at St Peter's and St Aidan's to help our congregations understand the financial issues facing the parish. Read more here.

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
240401 - holy week - night prayer service.pdf
240401 - holy week - night prayer readings.pdf
Mark 5.docx

Today marks the start of Holy Week. We're making available the last of the series of study sheets about Mark's gospel prepared by Jean Melrose, and preparing for Night Prayer during the first half of Holy Week.

Lent Notices Church_news
mark 1.docx
Mark 2.docx
Mark 3.docx
Mark 4.docx

Jean Melrose, one of our Lay Readers, has put together a series of study sheets for those wanting to go deeper in their understanding of Mark's gospel through study during Lent. You can download them here.

Lent Notices Church_news