Benefice Rota
- Occurring
- for 96 days
- Venue
- All Saints, Eastgate
- Address Eastgate Bishop Auckland, DL13 2HT, United Kingdom
- St Thomas Heathery Cleugh, Cowshill
- Address Cowshill Bishop Auckland, DL13 1DA, United Kingdom
- St John the Baptist, St. Johns Chapel
- Address Hood St St John's Chapel Bishop Auckland, DL13 1QQ, United Kingdom
- St Thomas the Apostle, Stanhope
- Address Stanhope Bishop Auckland, DL13 2YZ, United Kingdom
Service Rota for December January and February
Benefice Rota
25 Nov 2024, midnight for 96 days
Benefice Rota
25 Nov 2024, midnight for 96 days