Every Thursday at for 45 mins
On the Internet using Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81711024258?pwd=RmVkMHlKNjBWYzcxNFo2amphMFBGQT09, United Kingdom
Weekly service for all using Zoom.
Either click on "More about this event" or copy and paste the following Zoom Link / Meeting ID / Passcode:
Meeting ID: 817 1102 4258 Passcode: 136984
Either click on "More about this event" or copy and paste the following Zoom Link / Meeting ID / Passcode:
Meeting ID: 817 1102 4258 Passcode: 136984
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME TO 10.00am - with effect from Thursday 22nd June 2023
Service of the Word Online
Every Thursday at 10 a.m. for 45 mins
Service of the Word Online
Every Thursday at 10 a.m. for 45 mins