Maundy Thursday Liturgy and Watch

for 2 hours
St Paul's
Church Lane Hunwick Bishop Auckland, DL15 0JR, United Kingdom

The receiving of Holy Oils and Eucharist. The traditional washing of feet is replaced by a simple act of "washing" of hands. The service is followed by the stripping of the altar and then quiet contemplation before an Altar of Repose symbolising the place where Christ endured agonies prior to his arrest.

St Paul's


The United Benefice of Hunwick and Willington brings together two neighbouring parishes which share a common goal in living out the Christian gospel to the glory of God and in the service of our communities. Together, we seek to organise ourselves to provide a wide range of mission and ministry opportunities in our communities that will benefit all the people of our parishes. We have adopted the APEST model, which is the organisation of the five-fold ministries St. Paul wrote about in Ephesians chapter 4. Each member of the congregation has a discerned spiritual gifting through baptism which enables them to offer ministry to the church as Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Shepherds (pastors) or Teachers.

Our worship styles are varied from high Anglo-catholic to relaxed, non-Eucharistic family orientated services. We also seek new ways to engage with the community such as our Craft Fayre, started in 2017 which has highly successful each year since. Day events for children and families at Harvest, Christmas and Easter supplement our regular worship.

Our congregations are warm and welcoming to newcomers - we seek to build the Kingdom of God through generous living.

As we enter a new decade, we look forward to exploring new opportunities to work together with the neighbouring churches as a team, within the Stanhope Deanery.


The parish of Hunwick is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO), 

Peter Booth,  01388 746888 or email: [email protected]

The Diocese of Durham’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA, 

Beth Miller – Cuthbert House, Stonebridge, Durham DH1 3RY 

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Mobile: 07968 034075

If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

Get in touch

Ven. Shirley Griffiths

Associate Priest
+44 7590 011448
What's on

Maundy Thursday Liturgy and Watch

for 2 hours
St Paul's
Church Lane Hunwick Bishop Auckland, DL15 0JR, United Kingdom

The receiving of Holy Oils and Eucharist. The traditional washing of feet is replaced by a simple act of "washing" of hands. The service is followed by the stripping of the altar and then quiet contemplation before an Altar of Repose symbolising the place where Christ endured agonies prior to his arrest.