
If you are struggling and would value the support of our foodbank, please get in touch or email [email protected].

1 in 5 people in the UK live below the poverty line. People in MSG and surrounding villages are going hungry today. Our aim is to supply 3 days of Emergency food to local people in crisis. However, we need your help! There are many ways you can donate food to the foodbank, as an individual or a business.

1. Leave food donations at Londis, Georgie's Coffee Stop or bring them to Church on Sundays (collection can be arranged if necessary).

2. Another fantastic way of contributing is to buy the foodbank bags at Morrisons, Morton Park. They are in a cage as you enter the store, pop one in your trolley, pay for it at the till, and then put it in the cage near the café before you leave the store.

3. If these options are not for you, you can donate money to the foodbank then we can buy the food we need. This could be a one-off donation, or a regular gift paid into our bank account. Account name 'PCC Middleton Saint George', sort code 20-82-18, account number 10675210. Please mark it 'FOODBANK'.

4. Cash donations can be left in the envelopes at Church or Georgie's Coffee Stop.

Thank you!