
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Church Office: Mon/Tue/Weds/Thurs 9.00am-2.00pm
(01235) 834256

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It is a delight and sometimes most moving to worship in such an old and beautiful church. Here you sense the unchanging nature of our God who was, and is, and is to come. An unchanging God in a very changing world. Here saints and sinners alike have worshipped God for centuries. Here people have turned to God in sorrow or tragedy and found comfort, support, and help. Here young and old have found Christ the Saviour of the world. The reality of the crucified and risen Lord has come home to people as the Word of God has been read or preached; as hymns, psalms or songs have been sung; or as the bread and wine have been shared. From here people have been sent out into the world in the power of God's Spirit to live and work to his praise and glory. Here fellowship has been shared within a Christian community. For a church is much more than a building. It is essentially a community of the followers of Jesus of Nazareth, through whom we can find and know God. Our prayer is that in this special place you, too, may be drawn into the presence and love of God and come to worship and wonder.
Steeped in history Harwell Village celebrated its Millennium in 1985. Two large tapestries to mark the event hang either side of the nave in the church.
St Matthew's church date back to 12th century.

Church Lane
OX11 0EZ

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