Riverside Early Communion (BCP)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
Church of St John the Baptist, Low Dinsdale
Low Dinsdale Darlington, DL2 1PN, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer, usually with hymns and a sermon.

Riverside Early Communion usually takes place:

1st Sunday: 9am at All Saints, Girsby (Sockburn) [not in August]
2nd Sunday: 8am at All Saints, Hurworth
3rd Sunday: 9am at St John the Baptist, Low Dinsdale
4th and 5th Sunday: 8am at All Saints, Hurworth

Daffodil Service

for 1 hour
Church of St John the Baptist, Low Dinsdale
Low Dinsdale Darlington, DL2 1PN, United Kingdom

Our Daffodil Service this year is before the end of March so we are hoping for an early show of the yellow flowers along the avenue of lime trees in Over Dinsdale and nearby, planted by friends and neighbours of Dinsdale and Girsby WI.

Our annual service of reflection and thanksgiving celebrates the coming of spring, as we look forward to Good Friday and Easter Day.

Everyone welcome. Refreshments after the service in church. Collections for church funds and of items for the food bank.

Annual Meeting

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Church of St John the Baptist, Low Dinsdale
Low Dinsdale Darlington, DL2 1PN, United Kingdom

Annual meeting of parishioners for the appointment of churchwardens, and annual parochial church meeting (APCM).

This year we need to prepare a new electoral roll from scratch. Anyone who would like to be on the electoral roll must submit a form by Sunday 9 March. Please get in touch for more details.

Evening Prayer

In January, February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Church of St John the Baptist, Low Dinsdale
Low Dinsdale Darlington, DL2 1PN, United Kingdom

A service of Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer, usually with hymns and a sermon.

Holy Communion (BCP)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Church of St John the Baptist, Low Dinsdale
Low Dinsdale Darlington, DL2 1PN, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer, usually with hymns and a sermon.