MOVE Gentle exercise for older people

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Mark
Corner of North Road and The Leas Darlington, DL1 3BH, United Kingdom

St Mark’s Church Hall, North Road, Darlington DL1 3BH
Starting Thursday 16th January 2025
4.30pm – 5.30pm 1 hour session for 8 weeks
(These sessions are free of charge)
These gentle exercise sessions are designed to help
• Improve Physical mobility and agility (helps prevent falls and injury)
• Build muscular strength maintaining independence
• Improve sleep quality
• Increase energy levels
• Improve mood and mental health
• Improve balance and co-ordination
Classes are seated but every session will be adapted to your needs as you progress. You can also take a rest whenever you need. A qualified and fully insured professional Instructor will ensure that all exercises are safe and help you to become fitter and healthier.
Anyone can do the moves and it's easy. Participants build physical skills and leave the class with a sense of achievement.

You’ll make new friends and participants will gain strength and confidence from exercising in a group which help you stay motivated

Fun comes first. We guarantee that there’s heaps of it.

If you are interested in reserving a place for this 8 week course - send your name, address and telephone number to Caroline Ferguson at
[email protected]

Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mark
Corner of North Road and The Leas Darlington, DL1 3BH, United Kingdom

Waymarkers (Sunday School) meet during school term only.
Incense is occasionally used on feast days.

The Friendship Cafe

Monthly. Every Third Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Mark
Corner of North Road and The Leas Darlington, DL1 3BH, United Kingdom

Everyone welcome to come along to the Friendship Cafe. Coffee, tea and cakes and lots of friendly chat. Its a place to meet new people and not feel alone. Do come along you will be made most welcome

Family Exercise classes - for parents and children

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Mark
Corner of North Road and The Leas Darlington, DL1 3BH, United Kingdom

Family Exercise Classes You can do with your kids!!!
St Mark’s Church Hall, North Road, Darlington DL1 3BH
Starting Tuesday 14th January 2025
5pm – 6pm 1 hour session for 8 weeks
(These sessions are free of charge)
Parents – why not come along with your children and enjoy these fun exercise classes for all
the family?. Designed for parents and children 4 – 11 years. Exercise is a great way to
connect with your children and pass on healthy habits to improve their well- being.
A qualified and fully insured professional Instructor will ensure that all exercises are safe
and help parents and children become fitter and healthier together. Parents will be able to
take a rest whenever they need!
The sessions will:
• Enhances motor skills
• Improve Hand/eye co-ordination
• Improve cardiovascular fitness
• Promote growth and development
• Strengthen bones and muscles
• Enhance brain function
• Increase academic performance
• Improve emotional wellbeing
• Increase Social skills
Anyone can do it and you will leave the sessions feeling energised and with a sense of
Meet other like-minded families whilst exercising with others to help you stay motivated
Fun comes first and we guarantee there will be lots of fun and laughter along the way
If you are interested in reserving a place for this 8 week course - send your name, address
and telephone number to Caroline Ferguson at
[email protected]

Parish Office

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Mark
Corner of North Road and The Leas Darlington, DL1 3BH, United Kingdom

To arrange a Baptism or Wedding come along on a Tuesday evening between 6.30 and 7pm - no appointment necessary

Northern Lights Community Choir

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Mark
Corner of North Road and The Leas Darlington, DL1 3BH, United Kingdom

St Marks Church Hall, North Road, Darlington DL1 3BH
on 14th January 2025 7pm.
(2 Hour weekly sessions)
This is fully funded by Co Durham Foundation Grant funding and it will be free to join!

We are looking for adults to join our fun and friendly choir. Why not join our energised weekly classes, singing uplifting and popular songs.
There’s no experience needed, no auditions and no sheet music; absolutely anyone can do it! Even if you think you think you can't sing you are still welcome! We'll laugh, we'll sing, we'll socialise and those who like the idea of performing can do that too. We promise it will be a fun and uplifting experience and it will also improve your health and wellbeing!

If you are interested in reserving a place or want more information please contact
Caroline Ferguson at
[email protected]

Women's Fellowship

Every First Tuesday at
St Mark
Corner of North Road and The Leas Darlington, DL1 3BH, United Kingdom