Clifton Community Centre events

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 11 hours, 30 mins

The Clifton Centre offers - Monday Rainbows 5pm followed by Brownies 6pm, (not school holidays)
Tuesdays CafeJJ 11.30am (see their web-site CafeJJ) (not Bank holidays)
Tuesdays and Thursdays Kodokan Martial Arts 6.30pm,and Saturdays at 9am
Yoga Wednesdays 7pm and Thursdays 10am, (not school holidays)
Fridays, Get everyone motivated GEM Gentle exercise to music, run by Darlington Dolphin Centre staff at 10am.
Fridays 11 to 12noon Food bank distribution point, run by Kings church volunteers.
On Saturdays only - we hire out the Big hall for private children's parties from usually 1.30pm onwards.

Sung Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Columba's, Darlington
Clifton Avenue Darlington, DL1 5EE, United Kingdom

This is a weekly opportunity to gather as God's people to share our lives and grow in love and care.