St Andrew

Get in touch

Father John Livesley SSC

The Vicarage,
St. Andrew's Road,
Spennymoor,Co. Durham,
DL16 6NE

Priest in Charge
01388 814817
What's on


Every Sunday at for 40 mins
St Andrew
St. Andrew's Lane/Barnfield Road Tudhoe Grange, Spennymoor Durham, DL16 6NE, United Kingdom

The Office of Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer, sung by choir and congregation, with hymns and a short address/meditation or spiritual reading. On the 1st Sunday of the Month and major fests there is also Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament


We are sorry we can’t meet you in person at Messy Church and share juice and pastries together. Please know that we are keeping you in our prayers because you are precious to us, just as you are precious to God.