Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter the Apostle
Church Street Byers Green, Spennymoor Durham, DL16 7NL, United Kingdom

We use Common Worship but there is an informal element to the services during which we combine traditional with contemporary music, played through the Church's sound system. There is lay involvement as much as possible: in the readings, intercessions and the administration of the cup at Communion. We also meet together at the back of church at the end of the service for tea/coffee and biscuits. Toys, books and colouring materials are available for young children during the service and are always welcomed.

The Bereavement Journey

Tuesday 18 March 2025 at for 2 hours
St David's Church Hall
St David's Church Hall, Tudhoe Lane, Tudhoe, DL16 6LL

7 sessions of film and discussion
for anyone bereaved at any time
Email [email protected] to sign up or for more info

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1st and 3rd tues of each month

Coffee Morning

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Peter the Apostle
Church Street Byers Green, Spennymoor Durham, DL16 7NL, United Kingdom

This is an informal gathering for refreshments and socializing. You don't need to be a regular member of the church to come along - all are welcome, including children.

Cafe Church

Every First Saturday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Peter the Apostle
Church Street Byers Green, Spennymoor Durham, DL16 7NL, United Kingdom

This takes place on the first Saturday of every month at 5 pm in the Church Hall, Hagg Lane, Byers Green, which is close to the Church. This gives people of all ages an opportunity to meet with one another; share tea and cake; hear some Biblical story telling, take part in prayer and craft activities and learn something about Jesus and the Christian faith.