Help me grow my faith

This page has links to lots of on-line resources to help you to grow as a Christian, from understanding the Bible better to events you can attend with friends.
If you are finding something helpful that is not n the list, then please contact us and let us know and we can add it to the list.

The Bible Project - videos and illustrated talks giving background and explaining the Bible in an informative and entertaining way.
Some Bible Project shortcuts : 
The Sermon on the Mount - series of videos explaining the Sermon on the Mount
Books of the Bible Overviews - choose any book from the Bible and watch an overview video

24-7 Prayer - resources to help your Prayer life

Daily Reflections
Be Still and Know - Daily reflection by Rev Jonathan Edwards on Premier Radio
Lectio 365 - Download the App and listen on your phone.

Christian Holidays - fancy a holiday with an opportunity for Christian teaching and reflection - check these out:
Spring Harvest - Connect with God. Grow your faith. Live life transformed.
Holiday in Butlins Minehead or Butlins Skegness and enjoy access to all of the Butlins facilities and a week of first class Christian Bible Teaching, Worship and fun!
New Wine - Holidays with an emphasis on all things Holy Spirit.
Capernwray - a variety of holiday opportunities for all ages.
Oak Hall  - Oak Hall groups are travelling across the planet - when coming with us, it's easy to relax and head away to wonderful new horizons. Come and join us!

A Good Listen - this is where to come for recordings of high quality biblical expository preaching and teaching.
Timothy Keller Sermons - Sermons by Tim Keller, founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC and author of a number of best selling books about living a christian life today. Sadly he died from cancer in May 2023.

N.T. Wright - Sermons, book reviews and Q&A - all things Tom Wright.