The Parochial Church Councilof Owton Manor,St. James is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for everyone, especially for children,young people and vulnerable adults. It has adopted and approved the Church of England policyfor promoting a safer church. The policy deals with all aspectsdof safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
To discuss any such safeguardingissues relating to the Parish of OwtonManor, please contact either the parish safeguarding officer, Denise Williams 07847162609
or the Vicar
Fr. Stephen Locke 01429 290278
Concerns can also be raised with the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer,Mrs. Beth Miller:
Cuthbert House
Durham DH1 3RY
07968 0304075
For more informationon safegurading in Durham Diocese, and for links to the Church of England`s national website. please go to