St Columba


We are fully compliant with both the Church of England and Diocese of Durham Safeguarding policies. Please find our Safeguarding statement and policy below.

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, by emailing [email protected].

Other safeguarding contacts:

Kathrine Batty - Safeguarding Officer

Telephone: 07836796374 or Email: [email protected]

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer Beth Miller

Telephone: 07968 034075 or Email at [email protected] or [email protected]

Local Authority Adult 01429 523390

Local Authority Children 01429 284284

Local Authority Out of Hours 08702 402994

Get in touch

Kathrine Batty

For information about activities in St Columba's Centre and about hiring the Centre then please ring 871814
for enquires regarding weddings or baptisms please call in St Aidan's church vestry on a Tuesday night between 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm

Kathrine Batty - Parish Administrator
01429 871814
What's on

Parish Mass

Every Tuesday at for 45 mins
St Columba
St Columba's Court, Dryden Road Hartlepool Durham, TS25 4NY, United Kingdom

A said service, with a hymn. This is the main service of the week at St Columba's

St Columba Charity No. 1185257