Grade I Listed Church - Maintaining our heritage

Parts of St Mary Magdalene Church are Grade I listed and date from 1100s. We are actively addressing maintenance issues.  The timber Nave floor is rotten in areas and we have a draft proposal to lift the main nave floor and replace with a breathable limecrete and sandstone finish flooring. Our Quinquennial Architect has devised the plans  which have submitted to the DAC for consideration. The plans also include some external drainage works and levelling of the Grade II listed Stevenson tomb. We also propose to remove some of the pews toward the back of church, to create a more flexible space. We propose to replace   the 20 year old main  church gas boiler with a more energy efficient boiler and heat exchanger & to re-locate it into the vestry. The Diocesan Advisory Committee have approved the proposals to proceed to a full faculty application. We will update you soon.

The vestry ceiling partially collapsed recently and a local plasterer, Tony Armstrong replaced it using  lime plaster, under supervision by our QI inspector.

The church Quinquennial inspection was carried out by Michael Atkinson Heritage Architect recently.

The Benefact Trust has generously donated £3900 towards the floor project.