Cafe Church is back!

We're in the church hall next Sunday, November 20, when we celebrate Christ the King with Cafe Church.

The service starts at 11am but there will be the usual refreshments in advance so people are asked to arrive after 10.30am.

There will be readings and intercessions, but Cafe Church offers a more relaxed form of worship.

On the day before, November 19, we have our Table Top Sale in the hall, from 10.30am to 2.30pm, offering a variety of tables, as well as a raffle, a chocolate tombola and refreshments. Hopefully this will be a good fund-raiser for the church, replacing the traditional Christmas fair.

And talking of Christmas ... we have finalised our Christmas services, full details are available on the separate page on this site.

We are also looking forward to a Christmas-themed concert in church on the evening of Friday, December 16.