News from St James

Our Lent course runs every Monday at 10am in the church hall. There are six sessions and people who cannot attend every week can access the course when they are able.

The Friday coffee morning is 10.30 to 12noon in the church hall. Come along for a cuppa and a catch up.

The Mothers Union annual Make a Mother's Day campaign has been launched and there is now a special display in church showing the work of the MU. There is the opportunity to help various parenting schemes in the UK and abroad through donating in memory of anyone they know who has acted in a particular 'mothering' way.

We are still holding the people of the Ukraine in our prayers and have established a prayer station in church, which includes a prayer pool. Drop in a pebble to pray for those suffering through this dreadful time.

The recent World Day of Prayer service at St James, attended by people from churches throughout the area, raised £280 to help various Christian charities throughout the world.