Sunday Morning Services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

10am Communion. Join us for a warm welcome, contemporary worship and communion. Staying around for refreshments afterwards is a must!!

Sunday afternoon services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church Hall
Christ Church Hall, Station Road Seaham County Durham, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Join us at 5pm for TAKE-5, a welcoming and relaxed, cafe style service held in our Church Hall. We worship and focus on a weekly theme which forms the centre of a time of reflection that suits your style: 'table talk' discussion; guided prayer & activity; or simply an opportunity to soak in worship music... we follow this up with refreshments and cake around a family table - Belong, Believe, Become, Bless.

The Well

Every Tuesday at for 4 hours
Christ Church Hall
Christ Church Hall, Station Road Seaham, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Commencing 11th February 2025 - visit our welcoming and accepting drop-in meet ung weekly from 10am to 2pm in the church hall - drop in for a cuppa (there will be cake too!). Table top activities/crafts/chat and a separate prayer room open to all.

Evening of Testimony - Gram Seed

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

In 1996, Gram's life of drugs, alcohol and violence took its toll on him and he went into a deep coma and was pronounced clinically dead. Gram's mother was being asked to turn off the life support machine, which was keeping her son alive, but Jesus woke him up to a new life and a new beginning...

Church Mice - Christ Church Toddlers

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Thursdays, 10am - 11.30 am (term time). Bring your 0-3yr olds along for a time of play, refreshments, story and song! It’s also free of charge!

Term time only

The Chosen - Lent Course

for 35 days, 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Hall
Christ Church Hall, Station Road Seaham SR7 0BH, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Starting on 11th March 2025 - Join us on Tuesday evenings at 6pm during lent exploring the Gospel using film clips from The Chosen. Starting with hot soup and crusty bread and maybe even some cake!

Friday Prayer Walk

Monthly. Every Second Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Monthly prayer walk. Alternate Fridays through the year. Meet at Christ Church front door for a gentle walk, enjoy fresh air, felllowship, prayer in the woods and a cuppa! Contact Rev'd Anita for further info.