About Us
WELCOME - Christ Church New Seaham is located in the Easington Deanery of the Diocese of Durham. We are a Church that welcomes families and individuals alike where visitors and newcomers, young and old, will always find a warm welcome and we invite all join us in our Sunday services and mid-week activities.
It is a Grade II listed, 19th century church (1857) designed by P.C. Hardwick for Frances Anne, Marchioness of Londonderry, as a memorial to the late Marquis.
Outside there is a miners' memorial garden (dedicated 1965) in which can be found two memorials commemorating the 26 men and boys lost in 1871 and the 164 men and boys lost in the 1880 explosions, at Seaham Colliery. Inside the church, is a beam on which some of the tragic victims wrote .....
"The Lord has been with us, we are all ready for heaven, Ric Cole 1/2 past 2 o'clock Thursday. Bless the Lord, we have had a jolly prayer meeting, every man is ready for glory. Praise the Lord."
There is also an organ with roll of honour dedicated in 1926 as a 1st World War memorial and has the benefit of beautiful stained glass.
Our 10am service celebrates Communion in a welcoming and contemporary service. At 5pm we have our cafe style 'Take-5' service... explore a particular theme in a way that suits you - chat in a group or individual contemplation and then stay for cake afterwards!
Further information on services is available from the Curate Revd. Anita Burke on 0191 5240927. To discuss baptisms please attend one of our Sunday services and speak afterwards over refreshments. For Weddings please telephone Revd. Anita to arrange a meeting in person.
All members of the Parochial Church Council have undergone Safeguarding training, as required by the Diocese of Durham - for more information please access the "Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults" section attached.