
Monday 13 January 2025 Monday at for 7 hours
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Confirmation is the point in a Christian’s life when they confirm their belief in the faith into which they were baptised. In the Church of England this usually will happen any time from 11 years of age.

Confirmation happens through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church also asks God to fill those being confirmed with His Holy Spirit giving them the power to live the life of discipleship.

Confirmation preparation takes place, for both adults and young people, in the weeks running up to the annual confirmation service.

For enquiries please call 07729 862722.

St Cuthbert's

Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ, who first loved us that we may love one another.

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Church in vacancy

The Vicarage,
Manor Way,
County Durham,

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Monday 13 January 2025 Monday at for 7 hours
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Confirmation is the point in a Christian’s life when they confirm their belief in the faith into which they were baptised. In the Church of England this usually will happen any time from 11 years of age.

Confirmation happens through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church also asks God to fill those being confirmed with His Holy Spirit giving them the power to live the life of discipleship.

Confirmation preparation takes place, for both adults and young people, in the weeks running up to the annual confirmation service.

For enquiries please call 07729 862722.