Sunday Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Holy Communion Order One, Common Worship, with hymns. Sunday school is available, except the first Sunday in the month and during school holidays .

Sunday School

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Last Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Sunday school, for children aged 3-11, runs on the second, third, fourth and fifth Sunday of every month during term time, during the 9.30am communion service.

Each week the children take part in a range of activities, crafts and games aimed at helping them to understand and learn about Gods love for them all.

Activities and stories are usually based on the readings being heard in church by the congregation that morning at the communion service.


Every First, Third Sunday at for 30 mins
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Baptisms are by arrangement. Please call 07729 862722.


The birth of a baby is a good reason to think about the mystery of life and about what you want for your children. If you have recently had a baby you may be thinking of having him or her baptised. Maybe your children are a little older and are beginning to ask questions about God and Jesus. Possibly you are considering being baptised yourself. Whatever your reason for thinking about baptism you are very welcome at St Cuthbert’s. Come to Cafe church which happens on the second Sunday in the month at 4pm in the Church Hall to book a baptism.

The Church of England offers two types of services for children:

Baptism service. Sometimes called a Christening. In bringing a child for baptism you are thanking God for His gift of life, and making a decision to start your child on the lifelong journey of faith with Jesus. In the service Parents and Godparents declare their faith in God, turn away from all evil and turn to Jesus. They promise to set a Christian example to their children. It is a very important and serious undertaking.

Can you honestly make these promises?

Baptisms usually happen on the first and third Sundays in the month at 12:00pm

Thanksgiving service. This is a joyful celebration, thanking God for the birth of your child. It includes a naming, a welcome and a blessing. In the thanksgiving service prayers are said for the care of your child and asking God to surround your family with the warmth of His love. There are no promises to commit you to bringing up your child within the church family. It is not a baptism service but your child can be baptised at a later date.

The Thanksgiving Service suits those families who feel uncomfortable about making the promises of commitment in Baptism.

Cuddy's Parent, Carer and Toddler Group

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

An opportunity to come and meet with other child carers, a time for little ones to play together with a selection of appropriate toys. There are songs and a story to start followed by refreshments and of course a chance to meet Cuddy. NB This is a school term time group only.

During school term time only

Bible Study

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

*ON ZOOM - please get in touch for the link. Everyone welcome!*

Weekly Bible study group which comes together on a Tuesday evening.

Midweek Holy Communion

Every Thursday at for 40 mins
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Said service of Holy Communion using Common Worship order one.


Monday 13 January 2025 at for 7 hours
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your loved one.

God’s love and power extends over all creation and every life, including our own, is precious to Him.

Christians believe that all who have repented of sin and turned to Christ have new life and that there is hope in death as there is in life.

When a loved one dies even those who share this faith experience a real sense of loss, with their memories and feelings of love grief and respect. The funeral gives us an opportunity to express our faith and feelings as we say farewell, to acknowledge our loss and sorrow, and to reflect on our own mortality.

At a funeral we remember the person before God, give thanks for the person’s life, commend him/her to God, commit his/her body to be buried or cremated and comfort one another in our grief.

At St. Cuthbert’s we hold an annual service in November, when we invite those who have lost loved ones during the past year to this service and the names of loved ones lost are read out, relatives and friends are invited to light a candle in the person’s memory.

Initially funerals are booked through the Funeral Directors who will liaise with the clergy to make the arrangements. However, it is important to us that those who have lost a loved one are cared for and supported so the clergy are more than happy to be contacted early on in the process to help the bereaved in what ever way we can. Please call 07729 862722.


Monday 13 January 2025 at for 7 hours
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

Confirmation is the point in a Christian’s life when they confirm their belief in the faith into which they were baptised. In the Church of England this usually will happen any time from 11 years of age.

Confirmation happens through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church also asks God to fill those being confirmed with His Holy Spirit giving them the power to live the life of discipleship.

Confirmation preparation takes place, for both adults and young people, in the weeks running up to the annual confirmation service.

For enquiries please call 07729 862722.


Monday 13 January 2025 at for 7 hours
St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's Road Peterlee Durham, SR8 5QW, United Kingdom

We are delighted that you are considering being married at St. Cuthbert’s. We want to do all we possibly can to make the occasion go as smoothly as possible.

A wedding is one of life’s great moments. It is a time of solemn commitment as well as celebration. God intended marriage to be a creative relationship, as his blessing enables husband and wife to love and support each other in good times and in bad. For Christians marriage is an invitation to share life together with Jesus Christ at the centre. It is based on a solemn, public and life-long covenant between a man and a woman, declared and celebrated in the presence of God and before witnesses.

The first key question to consider is 'Is it possible for you to be married at St. Cuthbert’s?'. The Church of England has now made it easier for you to be married at the church of your choice. Please click the link below to access the Church of England’s marriage website to see how you can ‘qualify’ to marry in the church you have chosen.

Do have a look at the Church of England Website and if you would like to pursue having a marriage at St. Cuthbert’s please note that weddings are by arrangement. Please call 07729 862722.