How can YOU get involved?

Do you want to get involved and become a regular member? Below are just a few examples of how you can get involved, regularly, with the church!

Supporting our church - and your own spiritual life - by attending services

Reading on Sundays

Reading on Wednesday morning prayers

Participating in Bible Studies when we have them - may have a zoom option too

Food bank donation collections

Social media and marketing

Fund raising and supporting events

Cleaning and maintenance of church

Those are just some to name a few, if you would like to get in touch to register your interest and or suggest how you may wish to be regularly involved and become a member of our church, please see us on Sunday/Wednesday or get in touch using the contact details below:

By Email:

[email protected]

By Phone or Text:

07 717 724676‬ or ‭07 852 290718‬

By Messenger:

Look on Facebook for St Michael and All Angels, Hawthorn