About Us
St Andrew's is a welcoming and friendly church in the picturesque setting of Dalton-le-Dale village. It is a grade II* listed building dating back over 860 years to Norman times although evidence indicates worship has been held on the site for much longer.
The church itself contains many interesting artefacts including an effigy of Sir William Bowes, an ancestor of the late Queen Mother, in full armour, and a Norman doorway situated in the north wall of the church. There are also many interesting features on the outside walls of the church.
We have recently acquired Heritage Lottery Funding for much needed repairs to the fabric of the church which have now been completed along with a new heating system, so we are pleased to announce the church is now open for our regular pattern of services.
Due to the recent Deanery restructure we now have a new Vicar, The Revd. Mark Harrison who serves the Joint Benefice of Holy Trinity South Hetton with Holy Trinity Murton as well as the Benefice of St Andrew's Dalton-le-Dale. Our Lay Preacher is Mrs Carol Maddison who leads us in prayer at Morning Service.
For our 6.0pm services of Holy Communion the worship is enabled by our organist Stephen Pickering and small choir. If you have a desire to become part of our choir then why not pay a visit and speak to the Church Warden David Jackson.