Heart on the Terrace

Heart on the Terrace is part of our churches mission in the Murton community.

The funding for this work came through the Church of Englands Social Development Fund. 

The mission offers support to all who are in need and is a place for people to chill out together. 

We have two paid members of staff:  Louise Robertson Snr. Community Engagement worker and Clare Smith Engagement  worker.

We have a great number of volunteers and are always looking for more to join with us.

We also host the Credit Union on Thursday morning. 

HotT is also open at set times for people to come in for friendship group and wide range of creative activities.

For the past 12 months we have hosted a variety of activities such as Seated Exercise, Yarn on the Terrace, Craft Classes, Beginners Crochet, Friendship groups and for young mothers with children we have held twice weekly Little Toots group in the church. Through other service providers we have hosted Makaton beginners, then level 1 and level 2 classes. Then came Reflexology and Aromatherapy, Self Confidence support, Wreath Making. In recent months we have a teacher for sugar craft and making healthy meals with basic foods. 

Last year we were granted £3000 from Durham County Council and the Welcome Spaces fund. With this sum of money the building was kept warm, all hot drinks were free and at lunch times a hot meal or sandwich was served. Since last summer we have continued to offer free drinks and food which is now funded by donations given to the work. 1000 free drinks and hundreds of meals were served to our community. We see this as fulfilling our Christian call to serve one another in love. 

In May 2024 a National Lottery Grant was awarded to the work for our core costs. 

Our centre is 8 Woods Terrace and everyone is given a warm welcome from our staff and volunteers. 

Revd Mark Harrison

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