Sunday 16th March, The Second Sunday of Lent
9:30am Parish Communion
Monday 4pm PCC meets
Friday 9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 23rd March, The Third Sunday of Lent
9:30am Parish Communion
Please see the Calendar of services attached.
St. Cuthbert’s Day: Attached is information of the services for St. Cuthbert’s Day at the Cathedral
Lent Talks on Prayer: There will be a series of talks at the Cathedral on Prayer, please see the attached. You will be very welcome at these occasions.
Electoral Roll: This year a new Electoral roll must be produced hence please collect and sign a new application. The form is also attached, please return your completed application to Alec Mcdonald. Email address [email protected] or to the parish office.
Annual Meeting: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 25th May after the Parish Communion. The annual meeting is the main chance for the PCC to report to the whole congregation on its activities during the year. Reports are made on Finances and Accounts, and all the activities of the parish. Please put this date in your diary.
Foodbank: St. Mary’s is now making a weekly collection for the Foodbank:
The foodbank still needs longlife milk and fruit juice, tins of potatoes, vegetables, rice pudding, fruit and spaghetti. We always need household cleaning materials and toiletries
Many thanks for all your support, it is so much appreciated.
Friday Friends at 10am (FF@10) All are very welcome to join us; tea, coffee and cakes will be provided - all free of charge!’
With All Good Wishes and Prayers, Peter