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St. Oswald's The Calendar (11).docx Download
Form_1_Application_for_enrolment_church_electoral_roll.pdf Download
Lent Talks (3).pdf Download
2025 - St Cuthbert's Celebrations Poster_2.pdf Download
Notices Church_news

Sunday 16th March, The Second Sunday of Lent
11:00am Parish Communion The Rev.’d Canon Gavin Wort
6pm Choral Evensong

Sunday 23rd March, The Third Sunday of Lent
11:00am Parish Communion
6pm Evensong

Mid-week service: Wednesday 10am Holy Communion

The popular coffee afternoons at the Institute are on the second Tuesday of the month, at 2pm.

Please see the Calendar of services attached.

St. Cuthbert’s Day: Attached is information of the services for St. Cuthbert’s Day at the Cathedral

St Oswald’s local outreach campaign for Lent and Easter will be to support Durham’s St Cuthbert’s hospice, which is in serious need of financial support and has recently had to cut 18% of its workforce. For more information, including how to make a contribution¸ please see the Outreach information board inside the church’s south door. Bob Layton and the Outreach Committee.

Lent Talks on Prayer: There will be a series of talks at the Cathedral on Prayer, please see the attached. You will be very welcome at these occasions.

The Triduum 2025, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday.
I’m delighted to say that Gavin will be taking the services this Triduum. I shall be here where possible of course, but this allows me to be at the services at the rest of the benefice, and particularly at Coxhoe and Kelloe which I have so far been unable to get to. Full details of all the services in Holy Week are in the Calendar attached.

Electoral Roll: This year a new Electoral roll must be made. Please fill in an Application Form to join the new Roll. The form is also attached, please return your completed application to the Electoral Roll Officer, Sue Pitts. Email address [email protected] or to the parish office.
Annual Meeting: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 18th May after the Parish Communion. The annual meeting is the main chance for the PCC to report to the whole congregation on its activities during the year. Reports are made on Finances and Accounts, and all the activities of the parish. Please put this date in your diary.

Parish Magazine
All regular subscribers should now have received their copies of the latest issue. Many thanks to those who have already returned their completed subscription forms and annual payment.
There are still a few spare copies of the current issue available from the back of church for £2 each.
If you don't normally read the Parish Magazine, this first of the year's 5 issues might be a good time to try it: Parish news, local news, biography, local history, wordsearch...and more!

Foodbank – Weekly message from Lynda Delf: On 2md March £40 and 5kg of food was donated in Church, this will provide meals for 7 people and the money used to buy more food. Many thanks for all you do to support our local foodbanks.
This week we desperately need longlife milk and fruit juice, kettle food such as noodles and instant soup; tinned meat fish, spaghetti hoops, fruit and rice pudding as well as rice, jam, sugar and biscuits. We always need tiolet rolls household cleaning materials and personal toiletries.
Many thanks for your kindness and genorisity.
Confirmation: The Deanery Confirmation will take place on Saturday 7th June 2025 (The Eve of Pentecost). At this service adults, including students, as well as children from throughout Durham Deanery will be confirmed. Please let Peter know if you would like to be confirmed next year. The venue for the Deanery Confirmation this year will be St. Luke’s Ferryhill.
Amongst the sick please pray for Angie Robley.
Concerts coming up:
15th DU Gospel Choir starting 7:30pm
18th Palatinate Orchestra starting 7:30pm

With All Good Wishes and Prayers, Peter