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Notices Church_news

Sunday 21st July The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

11:00am Parish Eucharist Officiant: The Rev.’d Canon Gavin Wort

Saturday 27th July 1:30pm The wedding of David and Hannah at Elvet Methodist Church

Sunday 28th July The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

11:00am Parish Eucharist

Sunday 4th August The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

11:00am Parish Eucharist Officiant: The Rev.’d Dr. Sam Hole, Chaplain of Castle

Monday 5th August St. Oswald’s Day

5:30pm Evensong and Procession at the Cathedral

Philip Plyming and Michael Hampel warmly welcome St. Oswald’s to join in the service of Evensong and Procession for St. Oswald’s Day at the cathedral. Please go straight to the cathedral, there’s no gathering at St Oswald’s beforehand this year.

Wednesday 10am Holy Communion every week. The mid-week service will continue every week through the holiday period, some weeks it will be Morning Prayer.

Foodbank –Weekly message from Lynda Delf: Many thanks for the 12kg of food donated in Church this week, it will provide meals for 15 people. Your continuing generosity is very much appreciated.

In June the foodbank provided emergancy food for 1, 784 people this included 595 children, 12, 561 kg of food was donated and 14, 932kg was sent out to local foodbanks. We are bulk buying food to be able to provide food to meet the needs of those people who need to use our foodbanks.

This week we are short of squash, coffee, rice, jam, sugar and tinned fish, meat, vegetables, rice pudding and custard. We always need household cleaning materials, longlife milk and juice.

Many thanks for all you do the foodbank could not continue to support local people without your kindness

Parish Magazine: Copies (£1:50) are available from back of church.

Mark Davies and Nell Guthrie will be married at St. Oswald’s on Saturday 20th July at 12 Noon, and will be delighted for you to join them at their wedding.

David Harris and Hannah Charman will be married at Elvet Methodist Church on Saturday 27th July at 1:30pm, and will be delighted for you to join them at their wedding.

Please pray for Mark and Nell, and David and Hannah, at the happy occasions of their weddings.

St. Oswald’s School:

We said farewell to the leavers’ last week in Church and blessed them. Each leaver was given a splendid Bible as a gift from the Church.

Alice Hassall will be taking up an appointment as Headteacher at St. Margaret’s school and will also continue leading St. Oswald’s until a new headteacher is appointed.

With All Good Wishes and Prayers, Peter