
Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Margaret's
Crossgate Durham, DH1 4PR, United Kingdom

A quiet, said Communion service (Common Worship Order 1)

Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Margaret's
Crossgate Durham, DH1 4PR, United Kingdom

Our main weekly service: Holy Communion (Common Worship Order 1) with sermon, hymns and music. During COVID-19, our Sunday School activities (for Primary and Secondary age children) have been taking place online and at home; we plan to restart these after Easter.

The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday

Thursday 28 March 2024, Thursday 17 April 2025, Thursday 02 April 2026, Thursday 25 March 2027, Friday 14 April 2028, Thursday 29 March 2029 at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Margaret's
Crossgate Durham, DH1 4PR, United Kingdom

Eucharist of the Last Supper, with Washing of Feet, remembering the events of the night before Jesus died. The service is followed by a Watch at the Altar of Repose until 10pm, recalling Jesus' prayer and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The Liturgy of Good Friday

Friday 29 March 2024, Friday 18 April 2025, Friday 03 April 2026, Friday 26 March 2027, Friday 14 April 2028, Friday 30 March 2029 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Margaret's
Crossgate Durham, DH1 4PR, United Kingdom

A service following the pattern of worship traditionally used on the day Jesus died on the Cross, concluding at the hour of his death: Sung Passion reading (the gospel of Jesus' trial and crucifixion); Veneration of the Cross and sung Reproaches (a time of reflection before the Cross of Christ); Solemn Intercession (prayers for the church and the world, following an ancient pattern of prayer); Communion of the pre-sanctified (using bread and wine consecrated at last night's Eucharist of the Last Supper).

The Easter Liturgy

Saturday 30 March 2024, Saturday 19 April 2025, Saturday 04 April 2026, Saturday 27 March 2027, Saturday 15 April 2028, Saturday 31 March 2029 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Margaret's
Crossgate Durham, DH1 4PR, United Kingdom

Easter Vigil and Celebration: in darkness we hear ancient prophecies of God's saving power. A new fire is lit in the churchyard and the Paschal Candle, signifying the light of Christ, is carried into the darkened church. The Exsultet is sung and the Gospel of the Resurrection is proclaimed. The first Eucharist of Easter is celebrated and the service ends with rejoicing and praise, fanfares and the ringing of bells.

Crib Service with Christingles

Tuesday 24 December 2024 at for 45 mins
St Margaret's
Crossgate Durham, DH1 4PR, United Kingdom

A very popular service with carols for all the family on Christmas Eve: the Crib scene is assembled (symbolising the Christ Child, his mother Mary her husband Joseph and the Shepherds, Magi and animals, assembled in a stable at Bethlehem); the Christmas story is proclaimed in a lively spirit; and all are presented with a Christingle (symbolising Christ, the Light of the World) to take away with them. The service ends with the Christingle candles being lit and prayers being offered by candle-light.

Midnight Mass

Tuesday 24 December 2024 at for 15 mins
St Margaret's
Crossgate Durham, DH1 4PR, United Kingdom

The first Communion of Christmas Day: in the middle of the night, in a candle-lit church, we celebrate with great joy and solemnity the birth and incarnation of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.