Lent Course

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Edmund King and Martyr (a beautiful place of prayer at the heart of our village)
Auton Stile Bearpark Durham, DH7 7BJ, United Kingdom

We will be using the CofE Pilgrim Course to help us think about and pray more deeply the Lord's Prayer.
Thursday evenings from 7 till 8.30 in church. Refreshments provided.
Please let Revd Alan know if you hope to come [email protected]

Sunday Morning Eucharist Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Edmund King and Martyr (a beautiful place of prayer at the heart of our village)
Auton Stile Bearpark Durham, DH7 7BJ, United Kingdom

Our regular Sunday morning service.

STEFS (St Edmund's Family Service)

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Edmund King and Martyr (a beautiful place of prayer at the heart of our village)
Auton Stile Bearpark Durham, DH7 7BJ, United Kingdom

Our monthly very relaxed and child-friendly family service. We start about 10.30 with crafts and snacks and then have a simple fun service from 11 till 11.30.

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