Advent Procession

for 1 hour
St Wystan's Church
Repton Derby, DE65 6FH, United Kingdom

The first part of the service takes place in darkness. The procession moves from West to East towards the direction of the rising sun which is itself a symbol of the Son of Righteousness, 'God with us'. After the ancient Advent Prose is sung, the procession moves through the building and the lights are gradually raised, the climax of the procession is the High Altar Sanctuary where we hear the great Advent Collect and the blessing is pronounced. A very moving service.

St Wystan's Church

Get in touch

Tricia Brooks

Benefice Administrator
01283 703223

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What's on

Advent Procession

for 1 hour
St Wystan's Church
Repton Derby, DE65 6FH, United Kingdom

The first part of the service takes place in darkness. The procession moves from West to East towards the direction of the rising sun which is itself a symbol of the Son of Righteousness, 'God with us'. After the ancient Advent Prose is sung, the procession moves through the building and the lights are gradually raised, the climax of the procession is the High Altar Sanctuary where we hear the great Advent Collect and the blessing is pronounced. A very moving service.