Faith in the Forest December Newsletter

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Church_news From_the_Vicar Advent christmas
Revd Bruce writes...As we move through the liturgical year we are already intothe season of Advent. It is a time that we can be drawn pasttoo quickly with so much of ‘Christmas’, and the images ofwhat that should look like, in every shop...sometimes sinceOctober!A few years ago, Sarah and I visited Ripon Cathedral inNorth Yorkshire, and they had a stunning display of bannersdepicting the ‘O antiphons.'These we might recognise in the great hymn ‘O Come, OCome Emmanuel’. These were originally used at vespers onthe last seven days of Advent and many Anglican churchesuse these in their Evensong services during the last sevendays of Advent.So, my prayer is that you are able to take some time out inthe busyness of the season and enjoy your advent journey. Ihope that you can draw close to Christ in those everydaymoments and enjoy the season of Advent as we preparewith joyful anticipation for the birth of Christ.Rev Bruce

Services for December2 St Mary’s, Coton in the Elms 3:00pm (Family Service)3 All Saints’, Lullington 9:00am (HC- Iona)St Peter's, Netherseal 9:45am (HC)St Laurence’s, Walton 10:00am (HC)St Matthews, Overseal 2-4.00pm (Gala Giveaway)Christ Church, Linton, 11:00am (HC)St Mary’s, Rosliston 11:15am (HC)10 All Saints’, Lullington 9:00am (HC-Iona)St Peter's, Netherseal, 9:45am (Toy Service)St Laurence’s, Walton 10:00am (HC)St Matthews, Overseal 10:30am (HC)Christ Church, Linton, 11:00am (MP)St Mary’s, Coton 11:15am (Toy Service)17 All Saints’, Lullington 9:00am (HC- Iona)St Mary’s, Rosliston 11:15am (HC & Carol Service)St Peter's, Netherseal 4:00pm (Carol Service)Christ Church, Linton, 4:00pm (Carol Service)St Laurence’s, Walton 6:00pm (Carol Service)St Matthews, Overseal 6:00pm (Carol Service)18 St Mary’s, Coton 6:00pm (Carol Service)22 St Mary’s, Coton 5:00pm (Crib Service)24 St Matthews, Overseal 3:00pm (Crib Service)Christ Church, Linton, 3:00pm (Crib & Christingle)St Peter’s, Netherseal 4:30pm (Crib Service)All Saints’, Lullington 7:00pm (Carols by Candlelight)St Mary’s, Coton 11:30pm (Midnight Mass)St Laurence’s, Walton 11:30pm (Midnight Mass)25 All Saints’, Lullington 9:00am (HC-Iona)St Peter’s, Netherseal 9:45am (Family Communion)Christ Church, Linton 9:30am (Family Communion)St John the Baptism, Croxall 11:15am (FamilyCommunion)31 St Laurence’s, Walton 10:00am (HC- Joint Team Service)St Mary’s, Coton 11:00pm (Watchnight Service)Other dates for your DiaryMorning prayer each Tuesday at 10:00am at St Mary’s Coton,with a chance to chat with Rev Bruce afterwards. Not on the 26th.Morning prayer each Wednesday at 10:00am with Rev Derek anda chance to chat afterwards. 6th: Netherseal, 13th: Overseal, 20th:Lullington, and 27th: Linton.