Related Churches
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St Wilfrid's Barrow
St. Wilfrid’s church is a much-loved building in the heart of the village of Barrow upon Trent in South Derbyshire. It is an Anglo-Saxon parish church that was given to the Knights Hospitallers in 1165. The Knights made extensive extensions to the building, and it survives today in its structurally unchanged state since the dissolution of the Order in 1540.
The aim of the Parochial Church Council and the Friends of St Wilfrid’s is to preserve and celebrate this important heritage site, transforming it into a self-sustaining multi-function building fit for community use, education, and research.
We have two services per month; the service on the second Sunday is an informal service organised by the parishioners and the service on the third Sunday is communion, led by the vicar.
If you decide to visit our beautiful church, you will find a very warm welcome.
St Andrew
St Mary the Virgin
St James
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