Stephen Cottrell's "The Nail"

for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Mary the Virgin
St Mary The Virgin Market Place Ilkeston, DE7 5HY, United Kingdom

An all-age ecumenical event, beginning with a walk from St Andrew’s Methodist Church (meet at 10.15 am for a 10.30 am procession, following a cross) to St Mary's, where there will be a service with hymns and dramatic monologues/reflections from "The Nail", at 11.00 am. Each of seven different key characters describe his or her experience of the Passion. The nails used to crucify Christ are used as a jumping off point for the reflections considering the questions, 'who killed Christ' and 'who was responsible'.

St Mary the Virgin

The Church in the Market Place

Get in touch

Priest In Charge: Revd. Andrew Baguley

St. Mary’s Vicarage,
63B Manners Road,


Our website

What's on

Stephen Cottrell's "The Nail"

for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Mary the Virgin
St Mary The Virgin Market Place Ilkeston, DE7 5HY, United Kingdom

An all-age ecumenical event, beginning with a walk from St Andrew’s Methodist Church (meet at 10.15 am for a 10.30 am procession, following a cross) to St Mary's, where there will be a service with hymns and dramatic monologues/reflections from "The Nail", at 11.00 am. Each of seven different key characters describe his or her experience of the Passion. The nails used to crucify Christ are used as a jumping off point for the reflections considering the questions, 'who killed Christ' and 'who was responsible'.