Coffee, chat & stained glass

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew
Church Lane Morley Derby, DE7 6DE, United Kingdom

Join us at St Matthew's Morley as we embark on a major Heritage Fund project to restore four of the church's medieval stained glass windows...
* Find out more about the restoration project
* See our medieval glass 'up close'
* Discover the tools and techniques used in glass restoration with expert glazier Jim Budd
* Have a go at cutting glass for yourself!
All with coffee, cake and company.

This event is funded by The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

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St Matthew

Our church strives to reach out to others and to share the love of God through Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to join our services.

Get in touch

Sheila Randall

13 Morley Almshouses Lane


Our website

What's on

Coffee, chat & stained glass

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew
Church Lane Morley Derby, DE7 6DE, United Kingdom

Join us at St Matthew's Morley as we embark on a major Heritage Fund project to restore four of the church's medieval stained glass windows...
* Find out more about the restoration project
* See our medieval glass 'up close'
* Discover the tools and techniques used in glass restoration with expert glazier Jim Budd
* Have a go at cutting glass for yourself!
All with coffee, cake and company.

This event is funded by The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

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