About Us


To contact the Priest in Charge - Revd Tracy Robinson, email [email protected]

To contact the Office: email [email protected] or phone 01332 880284

Open Saturday at St. Clement's on 1st Saturday of each month from 10.00am - 12 Noon.  Cake Stall and refreshments available.

 December - all services at 10.00am unless otherwise stated.


8th: Parish Communion

15th: Contemplative Worship

          Carol Service at 6.30pm

22nd:  Parish Communion

24th:  Christmas Eve:  Crib Service

25th Christmas Day:  Group Service of Holy Communion at St. Susanna's Church, Horsley Woodhouse

29th:  Group Service of Holy Communion at St. Mary's Church, Denby

WE are a friendly Church which welcomes all

Daily worship is available from a variety of sources, including:

● The Church of England website (www.churchofengland.org)

● Daily Hope - a free phone line of daily hymns, reflections and prayers. Ring 0800 804 8044

