Coffee morning

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
St James
Codnor Denby lane Codnor Derby, DE5 9SN, United Kingdom

St James's is open on Wednesdays from 10am - 1pm. Pop in and join us for a cup of coffee or tea?

We also have an Open Door Coffee morning on the second and 4th Saturdays in each month, from 10am - noon. All most welcome!

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St James
Codnor Denby lane Codnor Derby, DE5 9SN, United Kingdom

Join us at St James's at 10am on the first Sunday of every month for a service of Holy Communion. . All are welcome.

Coming up!!

for 1 hour
St James
Codnor Denby lane Codnor Derby, DE5 9SN, United Kingdom

On March 9th: Our Archdeacon, Karen is visiting St James' and will lead our service of Holy Communion.
We are very much looking forward to her visit and we would very much like to welcome her with as full a church as we can! so, if you are free on March 9th, come along.
N.B. No-one needs to be "confirmed" in order to be able to attend a Holy Communion service! IF you are NOT confirmed, you are still able to step up to the altar to be blessed and, should you be confirmed into another Christian order, i.e. Roman Catholicism or the Methodist Church, you are able to take communion.
Holy Communion is a beautiful service, whether you are confirmed or not and St James' welcome people of all faiths, should they wish to join us and share celebration.
Give it a go! Come and join us!!

March 30th: Mothering Sunday: Please put this event into your diary and come and join a welcoming throng for a lovely service of hymns, prayer and praise and a bunch of flowers to give a relative/Mum/Grannie. Watch for our post about this service later.

Morning Prayer

Monthly. Every Second, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
Codnor Denby lane Codnor Derby, DE5 9SN, United Kingdom

Join us at St James's at 10am on the second and third Sunday of every month for a service of Morning Prayer. Everyone welcome.

Lent Course

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Clements
Church Street Horsley Derby, DE21 5BR, United Kingdom

An opportunity to get together for discussion and reflection as we journey through Lent

Mabel's Table Fellowship Lunch

for 2 hours
St James
Codnor Denby lane Codnor Derby, DE5 9SN, United Kingdom

Beginning again, by popular demand, Mabel's Table Fellowship Lunch at 12 noon on April 23rd in St James' Church, Denby Lane, CODNOR.
Main course, dessert/cake and plenty of coffee/tea plus a raffle.
All welcome! No age limit.

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