<span style="font-size: 1rem;">We are beginning to close in on the scheduled completion date for the debris removal works.</span>
The nave and aisle are now clear (despite some timbers being temporarily stockpiled here) and the chancel is approx. 85% clear. The archaeologist has indicated that the chancel will be cleared by the end of the next week. However, due to the amount of stone rubble, it is unlikely that the vestry area will be cleared within this time.
<strong>Scaffolding to stabilise the building.</strong>
The scaffolders started on site on Tuesday and have commenced the erection of the north and south aisle scaffolds. They have estimated it will take 2 weeks to install both of these. It is anticipated to take a further 1-2 weeks to complete the restraint scaffold to the other areas. This will be subject to the clearance of debris from within the vestry.
As reported, the debris removal is taking slightly longer than anticipated. We are therefore currently assessing the impact on the anticipated completion date for this phase.
Smith of Derby have issued their report on the clock and have recommended that it be removed and placed in safe storage whilst restoration works are ongoing. If this is something you wish to undertake whilst we have a contractor on site to assist with the removal, please let us know.
Taylor bells have now carried out their inspection and provided an interim report into their findings. Although the full report has not yet been issued, it is highly likely to recommend that the bells are decommissioned and removed to allow repair work to be undertaken to the bell support timbers, head stock and the bells themselves. Again, please let us know if this is something that you would like to undertake whilst the contractor is on site.
Buildzone are continuing to keep a watching brief during the debris removal but no further issues have been reported. The removal of high-level asbestos will be carried out when access is available.
<strong>Hirst Conservation- Mundy Tomb</strong>
Hirst have now issued their report and recommended that the protective enclosure be upgraded. We have since forwarded costs from Buildzone for carrying out this upgrade (or potential alternatives) and we await your instruction. Hirst have recommended that a further inspection should take place two months after the installation of the upgraded enclosure and at six monthly intervals thereafter. We have requested costs for this exercise from Hirst and will forward these on when we receive them.
<strong>Unstable Stonework</strong>
Work to provide further temporary propping to the unstable stonework within the vestry has now been carried out. Further work may be required to this area, but we will review this once better access is available. We will continue to monitor the propping that is in place.
<strong>Chancel Crypt</strong>
Initial investigations by Buildzone and the archaeologist have found nothing of significance below the floor on the chancel. Where the floor has partially collapsed, the construction appears to comprise a thin, unreinforced concrete slab/screed cast on top of loose sub-base material. If further investigations are required, this will require a further instruction.
<strong>Site Visit</strong>
As this phase of work is now nearing completion and the structure is much more stable, we propose to host a site visit by a small group of PCC members to review the work that has taken place. We propose a visit on Thursday 3rd June at 11:00am. If the PCC could nominate four people, we will be happy to make the arrangements. If more people would be interested in reviewing the works, please let us know and we can arrange a second visit later that day.
<strong>Key risks:</strong>
1 Debris clearance- increased rubble density within the vestry estimated completion 4th June
2 Scaffolding installation – Estimated completion 11th June
3 Chancel crypt- further investigation required?
4 Further asbestos discoveries- Organ pipes?
<strong>Aisle Roof Reinstatement</strong>
The design of the aisle roof reinstatement is now underway. As we are unable to complete a detailed inspection of the remaining roof timbers until the scaffolds are completed, the design and approval period is likely to take us beyond the completion of the debris removal. Therefore, there is likely to be a hiatus between the end of the debris removal phase and reinstatement of the aisle roofs.
Historic England have indicated that they are able to carry out the timber investigations including
dendrochronology and species identification and fund this through their own scientific budgets. We will liaise with HE to finalise the details of the investigations.
Due to the requirement for site inspections of the remaining timbers, we propose to leave these in-situ until the aisle roof replacement scheme commences. We intend to ask Buildzone to price this work once the detailed design is completed. Our QS will examine the costs and agree rates. We would be grateful if you provide confirmation that this approach is acceptable.
<strong>Further considerations</strong>
Whilst Hirst conservation have provided input into the Mundy Tomb, we have not sought any advice regarding other fixed elements of significance such as the candle sticks, reredos, communion rail and vestry door surround etc. Please could you provide confirmation as to whether further conservator input is required at this stage or alternatively, if you require Buildzone to build temporary protective enclosures around these elements before they complete this phase of work.
Finally, the current site manager, Jay Tomlinson, is on holiday next week and part of the following week. Buildzone will be providing a suitably experienced replacement, however you may see some unfamiliar faces around the site next week.
Some photographs, along with an up-to-date plan of the debris clearance are attached.
Gawaine Dawes, Thomasons.